
Famous Freemasons


Naismith, James A. Inventor of basketball

Aldrin, Col. Edwin Buzz. American astronaut

Armstrong, Louis. American Jazz legend..

Arnold, Benedict  Major General and early American Revolution war hero. Eventually changed allegiance and sided with the British, being branded a traitor ever after.

Beard, Daniel Carter. Founded the Boy Scout movement in United States of America.

Bonaparte. Jerome, Joseph, Louis & Lucien. All 4 brothers of Napoleon were Masons but not the great Emperor himself.

Bassie, William "Count",

Chrysler, Walter P. American automobile manufacturer.

Churchill, Sir Winston Leonard Spencer. English statesman and Prime Minister..

Clark, Lt. William. Led expedition into the North West Territories.

Cobb, Tyrus R. American baseball great and member of the Baseball Hall of Fame.

Cody, William F. (Buffalo Bill). American frontiersman and Indian scout. .

Cole, Nathanial, (Nat King). American singer and pianist. Thomas Waller Lodge No. 49 PHA.

Los Angeles.

Colt, Samuel. American manufacturer. Most famous for hand guns.

Crockett, David. American frontiersman. Gained immortality at the Alamo.

Dubois, WEB, Scholar,

Edward VII. King of Great Britain. Grand Master of the UGLE 1875-1901.

Edward VIII. King of Great Britain. Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England in 1936.

Elway, John. Denver Bronco retired quarterback (#7) and NFL Hall of Fame inductee..

Ellington, Edward Kennedy "Duke". American jazz musician. Social Lodge No. 1 PHA, Washington DC.

Faber, Eberhard. American manufacturer. CEO of the Eberhard Faber Pencil Co.

Fitch, John. True inventor of the steamboat. Bristol Lodge No. 25, Bristol PA.

Ford, Gerald R. 38th President of the USA. Malta Lodge No. 465, Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Ford, Henry. American automobile manufacturer. Palestine Lodge No. 357, Detroit MI.

Franklin, Benjamin. American statesman and inventor. St. John's Lodge Philadelphia PA.

Gable, Clark. American actor. Most famous for Gone with the wind.

George IV. King of Great Britain. Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of England (Moderns) 1790-1813

George VI. King of Great Britain. Grand Master of Scotland and honorary Past Grand Master of the UGLE. Initiated in Naval Lodge No. 2612. Royal Arch First Principal,

Gatling, Richard J. American inventor of the repeating gun. Center Lodge No. 23, Indianapolis.

Gillette, King C. American manufacturer and inventor of the safety razor.

Glenn, John. American astronaut and Senator, 33 deg. Concord Lodge No. 688, Concord, Ohio.

Goldwater, Barry M. US Senator. Arizona Lodge No. 2, Phoenix, May 12, 1931.

Hancock, John. American merchant and patriot, signer of the Declaration of Independence.

Harding, Warren G. 29th President of the USA. Marion Lodge No. 70, Marion, Ohio. Knight Templar, 33 deg. Scottish Rite, first President to become a Shriner.

Henson, Josiah. American black slave who escaped from slavery in Kentucky into Canada. Inspiration for the novel "Uncle Tom's Cabin". Mount Moriah Lodge No. 4 GRC, Dresden, Ontario.

Hilton, Charles C. American hotelier. Founded Hotel Hilton which led to the famous chain of luxury hotels. William B. Warren Lodge No. 309, Chicago, Illinois.

Hoover, J. Edgar. American lawman and head of the FBI. Federal Lodge No. 1, Washington DC.

Hopkins, Sir Frederick Gowland. English biochemist. Nobel prize winner for medicine 1929. Discovered essential amino acids and researched vitamins. Aesculapius Lodge No. 2410.

Jackson, Andrew. 7th President of the USA. Harmony Lodge No 1, Nashville, Tennessee. Royal Arch Mason, 6th Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Tennessee.

Jackson, Rev. Jesse. Harmony Lodge No. 88, PHA, Chicago, Illinois

Johnson, Andrew. 17th President of the USA. Greeneville Lodge No. 19, Greeneville, Tennessee. Knight Templar and first President to become 32 deg. Scottish Rite.

Johnson, Lyndon B. 36th President of the USA. Johnson City Lodge No. 561, Johnson city, Texas.

Kent, His Royal Highness Prince Edward the Duke of. Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England.

Kipling, Rudyard. English Nobel Prize winning writer, born in India, most famous for The Jungle Book. Hope and Esperance Lodge No. 782, Lahore, India.

Lafayette, Marquis de,. Already a Feemason in France, he was given honorary membership by many lodges and Grand Lodges across the USA.

Laguardia, Fiorello H. American politician. Three time Mayor of NY City and namesake of the International Airport. Garibaldi Lodge No. 542, New York City.

Lindbergh, Charles. American aviator who made the first non-stop flight from America to Europe. His plane was the Spirit of St. Louis and bore the Masonic insignia. Keystone Lodge No. 243, St. Louis, Missouri.

MacArthur, Douglas. 5 star American General, served in both world wars. Made a Mason "at sight" in the Philippines and became 32 deg in Manilla and life member of the Nile Shrine Temple, Seattle, Washington.

Madison, James. 4th President of the USA. Madison is said to have been a Member of Hiram Lodge No. 59, Westmoreland County, Virginia, a Lodge which had only a short existence, and whose records are lost.

Mayo, Dr. Charles H. American physician. Co-founder of the Mayo clinics and Mayo foundation for medical research. Rochester Lodge No. 21, Rochester, Minnesota.

McKinley, William. 25th President of the USA. Hiram lodge No. 21, Winchester, Virginia. Mark, R. Arch and Knight Templar.

McLaughlin, John. Invented the modern Canada Dry version of Ginger Ale in 1907. Cedar Lodge, No. 270 GRC.

Michelson, Albert Abraham. American physicist. Successfully measured the speed of light, gaining the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1907. Washington Lodge No. 21 New York City.

Monroe, James. 5th President of the USA. Williamsburg Lodge No. 6, Williamsburg, Virginia.

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus. Austrian composer. Lodge Zur Wohltatigkeit., Vienna.

Olds, Ransom E. American automotive engineer whose name is linked to the General Motors Oldsmobile division. Capitol Lodge No. 66, Lansing Michigan. 

O'Neal, Shaquille, NBA Player, Miami Heat & Los Angelas Lakers, Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Massachusetts

Peary, Robert E. American explorer. First to reach the North Pole. Kane Lodge No. 454, New York City.

Penney, James C. American founder of the J. C. Penney department store chain. Wasatch Lodge No. 1 Salt Lake City, Utah.

Pike, Albert. American lawyer, soldier and author. Confederate General. Sovereign Grand Commander AASR, Southern Jurisdiction. Western Star Lodge No.2, Arkansas.

Polk, James Knox. 11th President of the USA. Columbia Lodge No. 31, Columbia, Tennessee. Also a Royal Arch Mason.

Revere, Paul. American Revolutionary War hero. St. Andrews Lodge, Boston. Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts.

Richie, Lionel,

Rogers, Roy. American cowboy, singer and actor. 33 deg. KCCH. Hollywood Lodge No. 355, Hollywood, California.

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano. 32nd President of the USA. Holland Lodge No. 8, NY City. Also Scottish Rite. He was present at the raising of his three sons, all of whom were raised in Architect Lodge No. 519, NY City. Honorary Grand Master of Demolays.

Roosevelt, Theodore. 26th President of the USA. Matinecock Lodge No. 806, Oyster Bay, New York State.

Sax, Antoine Joseph. Belgian instrument maker. Invented the Saxophone and Saxhorn. Lodge Les Vrais Amis de L'Union.

Scott, Robert Falcon. British polar explorer, perished with his entire party. Drury Lane Lodge No. 2127, London, UK. Also Navy Lodge 2612

Shackleton, Sir Ernest H. One of the most famous of all Antarctic explorers, Navy Lodge 2612.

Richard B. "Red" Skelton. Comedian and TV star. Vincennes Lodge No. 1, Vincennes, Indiana. Famous Shriner.

Taft, William H. 27th President of the USA. Made a Mason "at sight" in Kilwinning Lodge No. 356, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Thomas, Dave. Founder of Wendy's hamburger chain. Sol D. Bayless Lodge No. 359, Fort Wayne IN. 33 deg. AASR. Grand Cross.

Truman, Harry S. 33rd President of the USA. Belton Lodge No. 450, Belton, Missouri. Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, Knights Templar, 33 deg. Scottish Rite and Shrine Potentate. Honorary Grand Master of De Molays.

Twain, Mark. American writer (Samuel L. Clemens). Polar Star Lodge
No. 79, St. Louis, Missouri.

Wadlow, Robert Pershing. Tallest human, almost 9 feet tall. Franklin Lodge No. 25, Alton, Illinois.

Warner, Jack L. American film producer and one of the Warner Brothers. Mount Olive Lodge No. 506,

Los Angeles, CA.

Washington, George. 1st President of the USA. Fredericksburg Lodge, Virginia.

Wayne, John. American film star. 33 Deg. Marion McDaniel Lodge No. 56, Tucson, AZ. Came through the system from De Molay.

Webb, Capt. Matthew. English swimmer. First man to swim the English Channel. Neptune Lodge No. 22.

William IV, King of England, made a Mason at Plymouth, England, March 9th. 1786.

Wozniak, Steve. Co-founder of Apple Computers, Charity Lodge #362, Campbell, CA